Friday, January 31, 2014

Closed Road: A photo-story!

Hey everyone! My road is closed because of the broken bridge! So here is a story of Julie and Molly having fun!  
Julie: Wow! The roads are closed! I wonder if I could do something ...........................................


Julie: OK enough of that! Let's go for a walk there is snow ahead!

Julie: Weird, why would there be snow in the middle of the road?

Julie: Maybe I should take a break on this log, my feet are hurting.

Julie: Molly!! It's YOU!
Molly: Yes Julie, it's the awesomest person in DA WORLD!
Julie: Whatever. Gimme a hug.

Molly: OK!! huggy, huggy, huggy
Julie: Huggy, ENOUGH lets go for a walk, ok!

Molly; Okey dokey!
Julie: Let's jog! Look over there!


Julie: Well, here is my road! Got to go!
Molly: Bye bye!!
Julie: Bye!
Thanks guys for reading this short story! I will try to post more often! See you guys later!